Monday, January 14, 2008

Come to the Carousel

A leaping frog keeps pace with the galloping horses

----New York for Kids Part 2----

Dear Postcard from New York Reader,

All it takes is a brief glance at the colorful brightly lit merry-go-round on the south side of Bryant Park behind the New York Public Library to put a smile on your face and tempt you to skip over and jump on the back of one of its moving animals. Now image hanging on to one of the poles, you fling your head back and watch the world go round and round. Whee-e! But no, you hesitate, you'll look foolish. People will think you have lost your mind.

A little kid as cover is a great way to disguise your secret desire to ride the carousel until you're dizzy. If you do not have a three, four or five year old, adopt one. Get a friend to make you an honorary aunt or uncle. If you do have a youngster, the carousel makes a terrific play date with other mom's for a fun-filled couple hours. The little ones will want to experience the backs of all the animals as this carousel has leaping frogs, rabbits and cats as well as horses.

Safety rules are strictly enforced; little kids must be strapped in, no riding backwards, side-saddle or two on an animal. No matter, goal accomplished, you get to ride the carousel for as long as you like and feel like a kid again. Notice the other adults who stand outside the carousel and watch the laughing children with wistful eyes and longing grins.

Keep tiny fingers warm, pick up hot chocolate and fresh-from-the -oven pumpkin muffins from Zeytinz's across the street. A child-friendly choice for Mom's after the park is Le Pain Quotidien. Try the delicious Belgian Hot Chocolate or have a cup of hearty organic soup. Rustic pine furniture, country French decor and comfortably-spaced-seating accommodate baby strollers.

Jacqueline Cable
Postcards from New York

Address to Remember: Bryant Park, 42nd Street and Avenue of the Americas. Carousel rides $2.00. Visit web site to learn more about the parks events like free tai chi classes, music and dance performances, poetry and book readings

Zeytinz, 24 West 40th Street, New York, NY, 212-575-8080.

Le Pain Quotidien, 70 West 40th Street, New York, NY, 212-354-5224.

Directions: From Times Square MTA 7, to Fifth Avenue or S to Grand Central, a short walk toward Avenue of the Americas.

Photo by Joseph Knight

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