The restraints of Lent now over, this weekend Christians celebrate the high point of the Liturgical year. Easter services, with baptisms and candle lighting ceremonies, are traditionally the most beautiful. Richly embellished by full choirs and exquisite organ music, they are even more special when celebrated in one of the city’s extraordinary architectural wonders.
So, if you are on vacation or accustomed to attending a particular church, make the occasion one to remember. Choose from high vaulted cathedrals to jeweled chapels. Here's a schedule of some particularly beautiful services.
St. Bartholomew Church, Park Avenue at 51st Street, 212-757-7013, http://www.stbarts.org./
Holy Saturday - The Vigil of Easter 7 PM
Easter Sunday - Services 8, 9, 11, & 1 PM
St. Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street, 212-757-7013, http://www.saintthomaschurch.org/
Holy Saturday - The Great Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter 5:30 PM
Easter Sunday - Services 8 and 11 AM, 3 PM Evensong
St. Patrick, Fifth Avenue at 50th Street, 212-753-2261, http://www.saintpatrickscathedral.org/
Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil Mass 8 PM
Easter Sunday - Services 7, 8, 8:45, 12, 1, 4 (Spanish), 5:30. 10:15 Mass Cardinal Egan celebrant (reserved seating only by ticket.)
Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive at 120th Street, 212-870-6700, http://www.theriversidechurchny.org
Easter Sunday - Services 11 AM and 1 PM
Abyssinian Baptist Church, 132 West 138th Street, 212-862-7474, http://www.abyssinian.org/
Easter Sunday - Services 9 and 11 AM
Calvary Baptist Church, 123 West 57th Street, 212-975-0170, http://www.cbcnyc.org/
Easter Sunday - Services 9 and 11 AM
St. George, 30 East 7th Street 212-674-1615, http://www.brama.com/stgeorge/
Holy Saturday April 18th - Compline 9 PM, Mass 10 PM
Easter Sunday April 19th - Services 8:30, 10, 12 Noon
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